Hackernews posts about 6x86
- Cyrix 6x86 (en.wikipedia.org)
- Why Does Microsoft Have a Thin Scroll Bar? Reducing Clutter Is Their Opinion (login.microsoftonline.com)
- Why is the scroll bar in Windows 10/11 so narrow? Reducing Clutter is MS Opinion (login.microsoftonline.com)
- File explorer and date created/modified change when copying (login.microsoftonline.com)
- Pi-sized x86_64 Devlopment board (interfacinglinux.com)
- Blink: Tiniest x86-64-Linux emulator (github.com)
- VSI OpenVMS v9.2-3 for x86-64 (vmssoftware.com)
- Modifying a Framework Laptop from x86 to RISC-V live on stage [video] (www.youtube.com)
- AMD grabs a quarter of x86 market (www.theregister.com)
- Hangover: Running x86 programs with ARM/RISC-V Wine (github.com)
- Intel Releases x86-SIMD-sort 6.0 for 10x faster AVX2/AVX-512 Sorting (www.phoronix.com)
- Box86 and Box64: run x86, x64 binaries on ARM (box86.org)
- Show HN: Enigma Implemented in x86 Assembly (github.com)
- Intel Releases x86-SIMD-sort 6.0 For Speedy AVX2/AVX-512 Sorting (www.phoronix.com)
- Arm lays down the law with a blueprint to challenge x86's PC dominance (www.theregister.com)
- Linux 6.6 Unconditionally Enables x86 CPU Microcode Loading Support (www.phoronix.com)
- PEP 686 – Make UTF-8 mode default (peps.python.org)
- Why 4x8 and 6x8 are, surprisingly, some of the hardest times tables to remember (www.justinmath.com)
- Senate Bill 686 – Restrict Act (www.congress.gov)
- S.686 – Restrict Act (www.congress.gov)
- AI plays chess 6x6, new algorithm (github.com)
- S.686 – Restrict Act (www.congress.gov)
- S.686 – Restrict Act (www.congress.gov)
- Summary of S.686: “Restrict Act” (www.govtrack.us)
- Review of Bill S.686 – Restrict Act (a.k.a. Ban TikTok) (lilscience.substack.com)
- Hydrothermal explosion at Yellowstone National Park (www.jhnewsandguide.com)
- Senate Bill to Ban TikTok (www.congress.gov)
- The New Essential Guide to Electronics in Shenzhen (www.bunniestudios.com)
- How do we save water: Stop growing alfalfa in Imperial County (www.desertsun.com)
- Regarding Proposed US Restrictions on RISC-V (www.bunniestudios.com)
- Chrome Feature: ZSTD Content-Encoding (chromestatus.com)
- Pleasures by Aldous Huxley (1920) (hackneybooks.co.uk)
- Sorting algorithms that don’t hate you (medium.com)
- Elizabeth line testing ways of banishing its "ghosts in the walls" (www.ianvisits.co.uk)
- Sam Bankman-Fried Sentenced to 25 Years (www.bbc.co.uk)
- "Doctors fitted a contraceptive coil without my consent" (www.bbc.com)
- Running Advent of Code on a $2 microcontroller (medium.com)
- 'Scary moment' as orcas disrupt ocean boat race (www.cbc.ca)
- China is becoming a data black hole, says short seller Aandahl (theedgemalaysia.com)