Hackernews posts about Adam Smith
- Gadgets and gizmos that inspired Adam Smith (reason.com)
- Adam Smith, the Prophet of Profit (www.historytoday.com)
- How misreading Adam Smith helped spawn deaths of despair (www.bostonreview.net)
- Uber saves lives – Adam Smith Institute (www.adamsmith.org)
- Adam Smith Understood That We Need Each Other (reason.com)
- On How Adam Smith Solved the Trolley Problem [audio] (www.econtalk.org)
- Celebrating Adam Smith on His 300th Birthday (heartland.org)
- Gadgets and Gizmos That Inspired Adam Smith (reason.com)
- The Cantillion Effect (www.adamsmith.org)
- Ansel Adams Estate Condemns Adobe Selling AI-Generated Images Mimicking Style (www.smithsonianmag.com)
- Show HN: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Online (www.the42.life)