Hackernews posts about Agile

Agile is an iterative and incremental approach to software development that emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and rapid delivery of working software in short cycles.

  1. How Agile Are You Really? (rethinkingsoftware.substack.com)
  2. How Agile Are You Really? Three Helpful Criteria (rethinkingsoftware.substack.com)
  3. Agile as Trauma (doriantaylor.com)
  4. Reducing Emissions by Moving to the Cloud (www.agile-meets-architecture.com)
  5. Agile Is a Tainted Term (www.pcloadletter.dev)
  6. Agile Is Dead (www.agilepilled.com)
  7. Agile Is a Glass Cannon (www.tomdalling.com)
  8. Agile Cult (milestones.dothub.cloud)
  9. Agile Is for Losers (2020) (www.hypermatic.com)
  10. Agile as Trauma (doriantaylor.com)
  11. Once Upon a Time in Agile (www.youtube.com)