Hackernews posts about Aristotle
- Why Cloudflare CEO Matthew Prince is the internet's unlikely defender (2024) (www.theverge.com)
- Science and Sanity: Introduction to Non-Aristotelian Systems&General Semantics [pdf] (ilam3d.wordpress.com)
- Free speech as a set of material conditions worth fighting for (2021) (bearistotle.substack.com)
- Aristotle – How to live a good life (ralphammer.com)
- Aristotle’s Rules for Living Well (www.newyorker.com)
- Who can claim Aristotle? (aeon.co)
- AristotleGPT: chat with Aristotle and learn from him. (aristotle-gpt.herokuapp.com)
- To Understand Anti-Vaxxers, Consider Aristotle (www.theatlantic.com)
- Aristotle – How to live a good life (ralphammer.com)
- Aristotle’s Rules for Living Well (www.newyorker.com)
- Rescuing Aristotle (2014) (scientiasalon.wordpress.com)
- Aristotle Was Not Wrong about Everything (talesoftimesforgotten.com)
- NH Rejects Aristotle Onassis Oil Refinery in 1974 (www.seacoastnh.com)
- Introduction to Aristotle's Virtue Ethics (mahmoudrasmi.com)
- Aristotle's Rhetoric (plato.stanford.edu)
- Aristotle's Rhetoric (plato.stanford.edu)
- Aristotle on Friendship: What Does It Take to Be a Good Friend? (2023) (1000wordphilosophy.com)
- Aristotle's Errors (kiwihellenist.blogspot.com)
- The boundary condition of Aristotle's scientific method: The human aspect (sentience.lostbookofsales.com)
- Why Aristotle didn’t invent modern science (bigthink.com)
- On Sophistical Refutations (www.infomotions.com)
- Slack Lists (slack.com)
- Aristotelian Philosophy of Mathematics Workshop (philevents.org)
- Book Summary: Science and Sanity – An Intro to Non-Aristotelian Systems (fagnerbrack.com)
- Aristotelian Physics (en.wikipedia.org)
- Aristotelian Philosophy of Mathematics Workshop (philevents.org)
- Open source artificial life and ecosystem simulator running on the GPU (www.alien-project.org)