Hackernews posts about Asahi Linux
Asahi Linux is an open-source operating system designed specifically for Apple Silicon-based Macs to run Linux applications and games natively.
- Resigning as Asahi Linux project lead (marcan.st)
- Passing the Torch on Asahi Linux (asahilinux.org)
- Asahi Linux head quits, citing kernel leadership failure (www.theregister.com)
- Asahi Linux: M2 Series Feature Support (asahilinux.org)
- Asahi Linux Adopts Collective Leadership After Lead Dev Quits (fossforce.com)
- Marcan Resigns as Asahi Linux project lead (asahilinux.org)
- AAA Gaming on Asahi Linux (rosenzweig.io)
- Paving the Road to Vulkan on Asahi Linux (asahilinux.org)
- OpenGL 3.1 on Asahi Linux (asahilinux.org)
- Asahi Linux goes from Apple Silicon port project to macOS bug hunters (www.theregister.com)
- Asahi Linux M1 GPU drivers can now run Windows games via Steam Proton (www.youtube.com)
- Speaker Support in Asahi Linux (github.com)
- YouTube is crippling Firefox on Asahi Linux? (social.treehouse.systems)
- Asahi Linux folks are doing us a solid with WPA3 fixes (rachelbythebay.com)
- Why KDE Plasma was chosen as the default desktop environment for Asahi Linux (social.treehouse.systems)
- Asahi Linux to Users: Please Stop Using X.org (www.phoronix.com)
- Please, please stop using Xorg with Asahi Linux (social.treehouse.systems)
- HN manually circumvents block from Asahi Linux devs (social.treehouse.systems)
- AAA Gaming on Asahi Linux (asahilinux.org)
- Linux mailbox subsystem is a poor excuse for abstracting (Asahi Linux) (social.treehouse.systems)
- Asahi Linux Lead Developer Hector Martin Steps Down (www.phoronix.com)
- Asahi Linux dev's explanation on why he would like people to use Wayland (social.treehouse.systems)
- Hector Martin of Asahi Linux bemoans the state of Linux Kernel code reviews (social.treehouse.systems)
- The first conformant M1 GPU driver – Asahi Linux (asahilinux.org)
- Asahi Linux HDMI Output Enabled (social.treehouse.systems)
- Asahi Linux USB-c DisplayPort Alt Mode (social.treehouse.systems)
- Asahi Linux with Gnome as a Daily Driver in Late 2024 (nathandyer.me)
- Asahi Linux have deprecated and removed their Arch Linux KDE images (social.treehouse.systems)
- Asahi Linux will not support extra display features compared to macOS (social.treehouse.systems)