Hackernews posts about Asimov
Asimov is a renowned American author of science fiction and non-fiction works, best known for his influential Foundation series and numerous robot-themed stories.
- The Gentle Romance (Asimov Press) (press.asimov.com)
- Asimov's Jokester (asimov.fandom.com)
- Lessons on AI Access Control from Asimov (permit.substack.com)
- Gentle Romance (www.asimov.press)
- Barcoding brains (www.asimov.press)
- The Battle for Better Air (www.asimov.press)
- The Gentle Romance (www.asimov.press)
- The Quest for Universal Flu Vaccines (www.asimov.press)
- Edwin Cohn and the Harvard Blood Factory – By Eric Gilliam (www.asimov.press)
- The Gentle Romance (Sci-Fi) (press.asimov.com)
- Barcoding Brains (press.asimov.com)
- Edwin Cohn and the Harvard Blood Factory – By Eric Gilliam (www.asimov.press)
- Parkinson's Disease in Macaques (press.asimov.com)
- The Quest for Universal Flu Vaccines (press.asimov.com)
- The Gentle Romance (www.asimov.press)
- Profession by Isaac Asimov (1957) (www.abelard.org)
- Isaac Asimov’s laws of robotics (1965) [video] (www.youtube.com)
- Asimov – The Original Prompt Engineer (lojones.github.io)
- Isaac Asimov’s disturbing message for 21st-century humankind (english.elpais.com)
- Lessons from Isaac Asimov on Taming AI (www.bloomberg.com)
- Isaac Asimov Predicts the Future in 1982 (www.openculture.com)
- Isaac Asimov talkshow interview from 1980 [video] (www.youtube.com)
- Isaac Asimov's Foundation and the Limits of Liberalism (zacharydcarter.substack.com)
- Review of 1984 by Isaac Asimov (www.newworker.org)
- Isaac Asimov obituary – Brian Aldiss (1992) (www.theguardian.com)
- The Gentle Vultures by Isaac Asimov (1957) (readli.net)
- How Isaac Asimov Predicted the OpenAI Drama (newsletter.pessimistsarchive.org)
- Profession By Isaac Asimov (1957) [pdf] (employees.oneonta.edu)
- An Annotated Asimov Bibliography (stevenac.net)
- 'The Last Question' [Isaac Asimov; 1956] (users.ece.cmu.edu)
- Isaac Asimov's “Three Laws of Robotics” (webhome.auburn.edu)
- Asimov's Laws of Robotics Need an Update for AI (spectrum.ieee.org)
- Asimov Press' New Book, Written in DNA (www.asimov.press)
- "The Message" by Asimov (novel12.com)
- "The Feeling of Power" by Isaac Asimov (urbigenous.net)
- Isaac Asimov Predicts the Future of Online Education in 1988 (www.openculture.com)
- Isaac Asimov Predictions from 1981 (marginalrevolution.com)
- "Nightfall" by Isaac Asimov (1941) (www.astro.sunysb.edu)
- The Science of Asimov's the Last Question (www.authorcarlara.com)
- Isaac Asimov's "Three Laws of Robotics" (webhome.auburn.edu)
- A 1959 Essay by Isaac Asimov on Creativity (www.technologyreview.com)