Hackernews posts about Atuin
Atuin is a Python package that allows you to replace your existing shell history with a SQLite database, providing a more organized and searchable way to track your command-line activities.
- The Legacy of the Apple HyperCard with Bill Atkinson (2017) [video] (www.youtube.com)
- Atkinson Hyperlegible Next (www.prnewswire.com)
- Braille Institute Launches Enhanced Atkinson Hyperlegible Font (www.brailleinstitute.org)
- Enhanced Atkinson Hyperlegible Font to Make Reading Easier (www.brailleinstitute.org)
- From Antarctica with Love (magazine.atavist.com)
- Atuin – Magical shell history (atuin.sh)
- Atuin v17 (atuin.sh)
- Atuin Wrapped: Your year in shell history (github.com)
- Atuin – Magical Shell History (atuin.sh)
- Atuin – Making your shell magical (atuin.sh)
- Supercharged persistent terminal history – With Gitpod and Atuin (www.gitpod.io)
- Atuin: Magical shell history with Rust (FOSDEM 2023) (www.youtube.com)
- Atuin Search Syntax (docs.atuin.sh)
- Atuin – Magical Shell History (atuin.sh)
- Search and Sync Your Shell History with Atuin (calebhearth.com)
- Atuin: Sync, search and backup shell history (atuin.sh)
- Atuin's new encryption scheme – Atuin (atuin.sh)
- Magical Shell History (atuin.sh)
- Atkinson Hyperlegible Font (www.brailleinstitute.org)
- Atkinson Dithering (2021) (beyondloom.com)
- Thomas Aquinas' skull reveals appearance and cause of death (www.ncregister.com)
- Rowan Atkinson on free speech (2012) [video] (www.youtube.com)
- Bill Atkinson doxxed Douglas Adams in 1987 (not.withoutdistractions.com)
- Bill Atkinson has pancreatic cancer (www.facebook.com)
- Bill Atkinson has pancreatic cancer (daringfireball.net)
- DigiSpark (ATTiny85) – Arduino, C, Rust, build systems (diziet.dreamwidth.org)
- Rhapsodies in Blue: Anna Atkins' Cyanotypes (publicdomainreview.org)
- I love electric vehicles. But increasingly I feel duped – Rowan Atkinson (www.theguardian.com)