Hackernews posts about C64 OS
C64 OS is an open-source operating system designed to run on Commodore 64 computers, aiming to provide a modern and user-friendly experience while still retaining the nostalgic charm of the original C64.
- Hidden Files in C64 OS (www.c64os.com)
- C64 OS Programmer's Guide (www.c64os.com)
- Wikipedia, C64 OS Edition [video] (www.youtube.com)
- Eliza for C64 OS (c64os.com)
- Hybrid Basic/ASM C64 OS Programs (www.c64os.com)
- The C64 OS Video Guide [video] (www.c64os.com)
- Eliza for C64 OS (www.c64os.com)
- C64OS the new OS for the Commodore 64 (c64os.com)
- Networking in C64 OS (www.c64os.com)
- Networking in C64 OS (c64os.com)
- Fast App Switching in C64 OS (www.c64os.com)
- The C64 OS (c64os.com)
- C64 OS Programmer's Guide (c64os.com)
- How the C64 Keyboard Works (2017) (c64os.com)
- Memory Management in BASIC (1/2) (c64os.com)
- Hybrid Basic/ASM Programs on Commodore 64 (www.c64os.com)
- An Afterlife User's Guide to the C64 (www.c64os.com)
- An Afterlife User's Guide to the C64 (www.c64os.com)
- Rad Review (www.c64os.com)
- I fixed a C64 using a $20 oscilloscope [video] (www.youtube.com)
- I fixed a C64 using a $20 OSCILLOSCOPE [video] (www.youtube.com)
- C Compiler Assembler and Runtime for C64 (github.com)
- Show HN: Turing RK1 – 32GB RAM and AI Accelerator (turingpi.com)