Hackernews posts about Caltech
Caltech is a renowned science and engineering research institution located in Pasadena, California, known for its prestigious programs and innovative discoveries.
- Show HN: Interactive Drug Screening in Your Browser (app.bindwell.ai)
- Richard Feynman's blackboard at the time of his death (1988) (digital.archives.caltech.edu)
- Supermassive Black Hole Likely Lurking in Milky Way's Nearest Neighbor (www.caltech.edu)
- Mathematical Creation by Henri Poincaré [pdf] (www.paradise.caltech.edu)
- The Problem of Teaching Physics in Latin America (1963) (calteches.library.caltech.edu)
- New Ocelot Chip Makes Strides in Quantum Computing (www.caltech.edu)
- Craftsmen behind the tools that make scientific research possible (2016) (www.latimes.com)
- Linux Changes Lives (catecheticconverter.com)
- The Color of "The Future" Isn't Calm: The Problem with Bright Blue Light (www.calmtech.institute)
- Designing Products for Resilience and Graceful Failure (www.calmtech.institute)
- An Attempt to Catch Up with JIT Compilers (arxiv.org)
- I Used to Teach Students. Now I Catch ChatGPT Cheats (thewalrus.ca)
- An Attempt to Catch Up with JITs: The False Lead of Optimizing Inline Caches (programming-journal.org)
- Catching Grace (bitfieldconsulting.com)
- Capchan – Solving Captcha with Image Classification (sensepost.com)
- Show HN: Sober Ringtones – Cringe-free ringtones for people who hate ringtones (sober-ringtones.wize.io)
- Show HN: Docsforge.app – generate customer help docs from your React components (www.docsforge.app)
- Show HN: ESLint plugin for vanilla-extract CSS (github.com)
- Computers and Mice – Mister Rogers Neighborhood (misterrogers.org)
- Former Facebook execs are running Firefox adtech (goblin.band)
- Foundations of Computer Science in C Language – Alfred Aho and Jeffrey Ullman [pdf] (blough.ece.gatech.edu)
- Caltech Machine Learning Video Library (work.caltech.edu)
- Khan Academy Courses for Caltech Admission (www.latimes.com)
- Harvard and Caltech Will Require Test Scores for Admission (www.nytimes.com)
- Caltech's Submillimeter Observatory Has Been Removed from Maunakea (www.caltech.edu)
- Caltech Researchers Find Evidence of a Real Ninth Planet (astrobiology.nasa.gov)
- Caltech has a new admission work-around (www.latimes.com)
- Jensen Huang's Commencement Speech at Caltech (www.youtube.com)
- Caltech's SSPD-1 Is a New Idea for Space-Based Solar (spectrum.ieee.org)
- Caltech's Cannon-Launched Squid Drone Doubles in Size, Goes Autonomous (spectrum.ieee.org)
- Caltech Post Graduate Program in Cloud Computing (pg-p.ctme.caltech.edu)
- Caltech team achieves wireless energy transfer in space for first time (www.electronicspecifier.com)
- Caltech's Pioneering Functional Ultrasound Brain–Machine Interface (scitechdaily.com)
- Caltech Mourns the Passing of Jeff Kimble (1949-2024) – www.caltech.edu (www.caltech.edu)
- New Silicon EV Battery from CalTech Spinoff (cleantechnica.com)
- Stealing the Caltech Cannon (folklore.usc.edu)
- Caltech ends its Wi-Fi lawsuit against Apple and Broadcom (www.theverge.com)
- Caltech ends high-stakes US patent fight with Apple and Broadcom (www.reuters.com)
- Caltech Develops All-Terrain Robot as Candidate for NASA Mission (blogs.nvidia.com)