Hackernews posts about Ceph
Ceph is an open-source distributed object storage system that provides a scalable, flexible, and highly available infrastructure for storing and serving large amounts of data in cloud-native environments.
- Ceph: 20 Years of Cutting-Edge Storage at the Edge (thenewstack.io)
- You can now use Cyphernetes to create K8s operators (github.com)
- The American M-209 cipher machine (chris-intel-corner.blogspot.com)
- The Scandalous History of the Last Rotor Cipher Machine (spectrum.ieee.org)
- Brain Cipher claims attack on Olympic venue, promises 300 GB data leak (www.theregister.com)
- Russian M-125 (Fialka or ФИАЛКА) Cipher Device (www.glennsmuseum.com)
- Riding the waves of synchronicity to via unknown cypher (substack.com)
- The scandalous history of the last rotor cipher machine (2021) (spectrum.ieee.org)
- A Kubernetes Query Language (cyphernet.es)
- Show HN: TheWallAI – A Simulated Social Media with AI-Generated Content (ciphervalley.com)
- I Learned About Torque (aman.small.blog)
- Hack.watch – Live Stream Hackathon (hack.watch)
- NRF9280 Support in Zephyr (github.com)
- Zephyr for Hardware Engineers: GPIO (blog.golioth.io)
- Show HN: InstantDB – A Modern Firebase (github.com)
- PR-Agent — extension that adds AI chat to code reviews on GitHub (chromewebstore.google.com)
- The Decline of Usability (2020) (www.datagubbe.se)
- No Config for Old Men (www.datagubbe.se)
- The Home Computer Generation (www.datagubbe.se)
- Subversive Computing (2020) (www.datagubbe.se)
- Ceph: A Journey to 1 TiB/s (ceph.io)
- RNA editing is common in behaviorally sophisticated coleoid cephalopods (2017) (pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov)
- Intelligence is everywhere: From AI to cephalopods (newhumanist.org.uk)
- From AI to cephalopods, a new strain of "nature writing" (newhumanist.org.uk)
- Ceph SQLite VFS (docs.ceph.com)
- Polaris Is the Closest, Brightest Cepheid Variable. Recently, Something Changed (www.universetoday.com)
- Jean Baptiste Vérany’s Chromolithographs of Cephalopods (1851) (publicdomainreview.org)
- Multus is the way to go for Rook Ceph networking (koor.tech)
- Cephalopod Atlas (www.themarginalian.org)
- Block Storage Using RBD Mirroring in Rook Ceph (koor.tech)
- Forensic Examination of Ceph (dl.acm.org)
- Ceph(Rook-CEPH): Installation on Kubernetes for Persistent Stroage (www.youtube.com)
- Octopus cannibalism among fears for pioneer cephalopod farm (www.euronews.com)
- Barely Contained Rage: An Open Letter to Danaher and Cepheid [video] (www.youtube.com)
- State of the Cephalopod Returns at the Summit (f2.svbtle.com)
- Abnormal octopus behavior during sleep: Possible cephalopod nightmares? (www.biorxiv.org)
- Running Ceph on MiniKube (www.jgavinray.dev)
- Ceph Squid: The Future of Storage Today (www.linuxfoundation.org)