Hackernews posts about Citroen
Citroen is a French automobile manufacturer that has been producing innovative and iconic vehicles since its establishment in 1919.
- Citronics built a router based on the Fairphone 2 mainboard (www.cnx-software.com)
- Hip to be square – 70 years of the Citroën H Van (2017) (www.adrianflux.co.uk)
- 1990 Peugeot-Citroën Autonomous Driving System (MotorWeek) [video] (www.youtube.com)
- Citroën Ami: French electric car leases for 20€/mo (www.citroen.fr)
- Show HN: Citronote – open-source Markdown notes app (apps.microsoft.com)
- Discord CEO Jason Citron makes the case for a smaller, more private internet (www.theverge.com)
- Andrew Left of Citron Research charged in $16M stock manipulation scheme (www.cbsnews.com)
- Using WordPress as Personal Blog in 2024 (blog.citrons.cc)
- Time Travel Debugging IDA plugin v1.1.0 (github.com)
- US vendor accused of violating GDPR by reputation-scoring EU citizens (www.theregister.com)
- List of Citogenesis Incidents (en.wikipedia.org)
- Larry Ellison: vast AI surveillance can ensure citizens are on best behavior (2024) (www.businessinsider.com)
- Citizen scientists observe gamma ray glow associated with lightning flash (agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com)
- NASA Citizen Scientists Spot Object Moving 1M Miles per Hour (science.nasa.gov)
- Julian Assange to be made honorary citizen of Rome (www.reuters.com)
- The United States Tested Biological Warfare on Its Own Citizens (www.todayifoundout.com)
- Norway's wealth fund now worth $319,900 per citizen (sherwood.news)
- Stop Destroying Videogames – European Citizens' Initiative (eci.ec.europa.eu)
- Show HN: Timeline-Based Citizen Journalism (goingon.org)
- Citizenship Privilege Harms Science (www.nature.com)