Hackernews posts about Clojure
Here's my response: Clojure is a modern, concise programming language that compiles to Java bytecode and runs on the JVM, allowing developers to build robust, scalable applications while leveraging the benefits of immutable data structures and functional programming paradigms.
- Why Clojure? (gaiwan.co)
- Bel in Clojure (2022) (stopa.io)
- RPub: A free open-source CMS written in Clojure (radsmith.com)
- Podcast: Clojure in Product. Would you do it again? (www.youtube.com)
- Elements of Clojure Now Free (elementsofclojure.com)
- Elements of Clojure (elementsofclojure.com)
- Release of Wolframite 1.0 for Using Wolfram Mathematica from Clojure (scicloj.github.io)
- Zodiac: Simple Clojure Framework (github.com)
- Why Clojure? (gaiwan.co)
- Writing a C Compiler in Clojure (shagunagrawal.me)
- State of Scala and Clojure Surveys: How is functional programming on JVM doing (www.jvm-weekly.com)
- Making a Datalog Engine in Clojure (shagunagrawal.me)
- Rewrite of a Flask Web App in Clojure – Ken Huang (whatacold.io)
- Ancestry of Polymorphism in Clojure [video] (www.youtube.com)
- The "late‐binding closure" pitfall in Python (aplaceofmind.notion.site)
- Swift – Immediately Invoked Closures (encyclopediaofdaniel.com)
- The case of the missing metrics: a Rust closure mystery (www.risingwave.com)
- Airspace closures due to reentering space objects (www.nature.com)
- Immediately Invoked Closures in Swift (stackoverflow.com)
- Warner Bros. Closes Monolith Productions and MultiVersus Studio (www.polygon.com)
- Proximal Origin of Epidemic Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 Clade 2344B (www.researchgate.net)
- Try Clojure (tryclojure.org)
- Why is Jepsen written in Clojure? (aphyr.com)
- Griffin – A fully-regulated, API-driven bank, with Clojure (www.juxt.pro)
- Clojure 1.12.0 is now available (clojure.org)
- Clojure Desktop UI Framework (github.com)
- From C++ to Clojure: Jank language promises best of both (thenewstack.io)
- Java 21 VirtualThreads vs. Clojure Lazy Seqs (clojure.org)
- Babashka: Fast native Clojure scripting runtime (babashka.org)
- Clojure Plays Mario (blog.phronemophobic.com)
- Clojure: Managing throughput with virtual threads (andersmurphy.com)
- Why we built Vade Studio in Clojure (bytes.vadelabs.com)
- Mindset shifts for functional programming (with Clojure) (blog.janetacarr.com)
- Clojure is a product design tool (2015) (precursorapp.com)
- Rama is a testament to the power of Clojure (blog.redplanetlabs.com)
- Clojure macros continue to surprise me (tonsky.me)
- Pinball implemented using Squint, a ClojureScript dialect (squint-cljs.github.io)
- My mental model of Clojure transducers (blog.danieljanus.pl)
- Clojure's machine learning ecosystem (codewithkira.com)
- A History of Clojure (2020) [pdf] (download.clojure.org)
- Overtone – programmable, live music in Clojure (overtone.github.io)
- A simple core.async job system in Clojure (blog.janetacarr.com)
- Electric Clojure v3: Differential Dataflow for UI [video] (hyperfiddle-docs.notion.site)
- Rama on Clojure's terms, and the magic of continuation-passing style (blog.redplanetlabs.com)
- Moldable Live Programming for Clojure (github.com)
- Electric Y Combinator – Electric Clojure (dustingetz.electricfiddle.net)
- Idiomatic Errors in Clojure (www.daveliepmann.com)