Hackernews posts about Codecov
- Steve's Awk Acadamy (www.troubleshooters.com)
- Rust inadequate for text compression codecs? (palaiologos.rocks)
- The Coleco Adam: An 8-Bit Personal Computer Failure (www.goto10retro.com)
- SWE Agents Are Better with Codemods (docs.codegen.com)
- Cisco's Open Source H.264 Codec (github.com)
- The Coleco Adam: An 8-Bit Personal Computer Failure (www.goto10retro.com)
- OpenAI o3 just scored 99.8% on CodeForces using brute-force (huggingface.co)
- The Coleco Adam: An 8-Bit Personal Computer Failure (www.goto10retro.com)
- The Coleco Adam: An 8-Bit Personal Computer Failure (www.goto10retro.com)
- CodeTV (codetv.dev)
- Show HN: I made a code-aware spell checker for Zed (github.com)
- Show HN: Check How Qualified You Are for a Job (www.coderview-ai.com)
- Programmer's Guide to Game Development (codedoodles.substack.com)
- The First Hit Is Free (www.codevoid.net)
- DRY principle is why your codebase sucks? (codeopinion.com)
- TV for Developers (codetv.dev)
- New App Developer (codenow-ai-production.up.railway.app)
- Show HN: Building the most comprehensive resume review system (www.coderview-ai.com)
- BMW Group Product Catalog–Historic Models (www.bmwgroup-classic.com)
- CodeCov is now Open Source (about.codecov.io)
- How we fixed incorrect Codecov bundle size reporting (sentry.engineering)
- Code Coverage Tool 'Codecov' Opens Its Source Code (news.itsfoss.com)
- Codecov Product Update: Browser Extension (about.codecov.io)
- Show HN: CodSpeed – Continuous Performance Measurement (codspeed.io)
- Message Regarding the PyPI Package (about.codecov.io)
- Colecovision BASIC compiler: CVBasic v0.1.0 (forums.atariage.com)
- AWS freezes CodeCommit, Cloud9, SimpleDB and more (devclass.com)
- AWS Deprecates CodeCommit (aws.amazon.com)
- My Thoughts on AWS CodeCommit Deprecation (blog.kdgregory.com)
- Byteboard launches CodeCollab, collaborate IDE for technical interivews (www.byteboard.dev)
- Shutdown of CodeCollab (codecollab.io)
- What every developer should know about GPU computing (codeconfessions.substack.com)
- How many lines of C it takes to execute a + b in Python (codeconfessions.substack.com)
- Mike Perham, Creator of Sidekiq: From Employment to Independence (codecodeship.com)
- A linear algebra trick for computing Fibonacci numbers fast (codeconfessions.substack.com)
- AWS Code Commit Ceased Onboarding New Customers (repost.aws)
- Why Do Python Lists Multiply Oddly? Exploring the CPython Source Code (codeconfessions.substack.com)
- How CPython Implements and Uses Bloom Filters for String Processing (codeconfessions.substack.com)