Hackernews posts about Confluence
- Show HN: Linkidex – A Better Way to Save, Search and Share URLs (www.linkidex.com)
- At Ukraine's major cyber conference, Europe takes center stage over US (therecord.media)
- Learn a conference's worth of data journalism through these NICAR tipsheets (www.niemanlab.org)
- Major U.S. airlines warn consumers aren't spending (www.axios.com)
- Where does in context learning happen in LLMs? [pdf] (proceedings.neurips.cc)
- Being an Influencer Became a New American Dream (www.nytimes.com)
- Toni Morrison's Lost Play (www.vulture.com)
- An Atlassian Confluence vulnerability is being exploited in the wild (www.techradar.com)
- Atlassian cranks up the threat meter to max for Confluence authorization flaw (www.theregister.com)
- CVE-2023-22518 – Improper Authorization Vulnerability in Atlassian Confluence (confluence.atlassian.com)
- Microsoft: State hackers exploiting Confluence zero-day since September (www.bleepingcomputer.com)
- All Cloudflare Customers Protected from Atlassian Confluence CVE-2023-22515 (blog.cloudflare.com)
- Stop what you're doing and patch this critical Confluence flaw, warns Atlassian (www.theregister.com)
- Triangles at work: GPU rendering shapes and connectors in Confluence whiteboards (www.atlassian.com)
- US cybercops urge admins to patch amid ongoing Confluence chaos (www.theregister.com)
- New Critical Atlassian Confluence bug exploited in Cerber ransomware attacks (www.bleepingcomputer.com)
- Degree Confluence Project (en.wikipedia.org)
- The Degree Confluence Project (confluence.org)
- Does Confluence Dream of Shells? (vulncheck.com)
- Exploit attempts reported on critical Atlassian Confluence RCE (www.scmagazine.com)
- Actively exploited Atlassian Confluence bug elevated to maximum severity rating (www.scmagazine.com)
- Atlassian Confluence data-wiping vulnerability being actively exploited (www.helpnetsecurity.com)
- IT networks under attack via critical Confluence zero-day. Patch now (www.theregister.com)
- Confluence does not enforce the attachment size limit – 2 years in solving (jira.atlassian.com)
- Novel backdoor persists even after critical Confluence vulnerability is patched (www.theregister.com)
- Streamline Your Diagrams: The Official Mermaid App for Confluence (www.mermaidchart.com)
- Confluence Status Page (confluence.status.atlassian.com)