Hackernews posts about Conway
Conway is John Horton Conway, a British mathematician and computer scientist who developed the Game of Life, a famous computational model that simulates the evolution of life-like patterns.
- Conway's Law (2022) (martinfowler.com)
- Conway's law: how do committees invent? (www.melconway.com)
- Lynn Conway has died (en.wikipedia.org)
- Conway's Gradient of Life (hardmath123.github.io)
- Conway's Game of Life digital clock (copy.sh)
- Conway's Game of Life is omniperiodic (arxiv.org)
- Build a working game of Tetris in Conway's Game of Life (2014) (codegolf.stackexchange.com)
- Lynn Conway's Story (2000) (ai.eecs.umich.edu)
- Conway’s Law (2022) (martinfowler.com)
- Show HN: Conway's Game of Life, but as a div full of Braille characters (px.neocities.org)
- Conway Can Divide by Three, but I Can’t [pdf] (math.berkeley.edu)
- Show HN: Conway's Game of Chess (gist.github.com)
- Honoring the Legacy of Chip Design Innovator Lynn Conway (spectrum.ieee.org)
- Show HN: Conway's Game of Life, but with a gallery of other peoples patterns (game-of-life-f262d.web.app)
- Cubic Life: Conway's Game of Life in 3D (github.com)
- The Inverse Conway Maneuver (github.com)
- The legacy of Lynn Conway, chip design pioneer and transgender-rights advocate (news.engin.umich.edu)
- Backwards Conway's Game of Life [video] (www.youtube.com)
- Reminiscences of the VLSI Revolution – Lynn Conway [pdf] (ai.eecs.umich.edu)
- Solar Powered Conways Game of Life (davidhampgonsalves.com)
- Real Python: Build Conway's Game of Life with Python (realpython.com)
- Conway's Law and Coding Assistants (mishajw.com)
- Conway's Game of Life, Backwards [video] (www.youtube.com)