Hackernews posts about Cortex A73
- Portrait of the Hilbert Curve (2010) (corte.si)
- Weather tracker: polar vortex to bring cold spell to much of US (www.theguardian.com)
- Crowds suck people into a vortex – surprising physicists (www.nature.com)
- Crowds suck people into a vortex – surprising physicists (www.nature.com)
- VS Code Pets (github.com)
- Branchless UTF-8 Encoding (cceckman.com)
- How to navigate and exit the idea maze (michaelrbock.com)
- JPEG compress your LLM weights (pepijndevos.nl)
- Reddit Is OpenAI's Moat (2023) (www.cyberdemon.org)
- How to build a notebook-based data platform (vinayak.io)
- Programmable Intimacy (antiantihuman.com)
- I Use AI as an Intern (lucumr.pocoo.org)
- Bright Lights in Dark Times (ntietz.com)
- Building Personal Software with Claude (blog.nelhage.com)
- Croissant Maker: A short narrative cooking game (jamiepalatnik.itch.io)
- Open-source tool to analyze Strava runs (runinsightai.com)
- MIT Mystery Hunt 2025 (todaythings.substack.com)
- Prototyping an Automatic Tattoo Gun (owentrueblood.com)
- Dates in JavaScript (elijer.github.io)
- Chat with private and local large language models (github.com)
- Challenges to Funding Open Source (alexgaynor.net)
- Beginning of a MIDI GUI in Rust (ntietz.com)
- LLM Says Buttons (sygi.xyz)
- iMessage-inspired website to chat with famous tech people (www.alanagoyal.com)
- Finding Lookalikes of YC Companies (labs.alphalens.com)