Hackernews posts about CP/M
CP/M is an early operating system developed by Digital Research for microcomputers, providing a command-line interface and basic file management capabilities.
ZX Spectrum Z80
- America can beat China on energy (mattparlmer.substack.com)
- Linux tool to show progress for cp, mv, dd (github.com)
- Getting back into C programming for CP/M (kevinboone.me)
- Show HN: A Golang CP/M emulator (github.com)
- Running CP/M on the C128 (celso.io)
- Porting CP/M to the Brother SuperPowerNote Z80 laptop thing [video] (www.youtube.com)
- The Mouse Programming Language on CP/M (techtinkering.com)
- The History of CP/M (1980) (www.retrotechnology.com)
- 50 years ago, CP/M started the microcomputer revolution (www.theregister.com)
- A Short History of CP/M-86 (www.abortretry.fail)
- Cat,cp,mv,dd,install,split: set the default IO size to 256KiB (git.savannah.gnu.org)
- Modula-2 Compilers on CP/M (2022) (techtinkering.com)
- The many derivatives of CP/M: 3 entire OS families (www.theregister.com)
- 50 years ago, CP/M started the microcomputer revolution (www.theregister.com)
- CP/M's open-source status clarified after 21 years (www.theregister.com)
- 50 years ago, CP/M started the microcomputer revolution (www.theregister.com)
- Why does the Commodore C128 perform poorly when running CP/M? (retrocomputing.stackexchange.com)
- Borland Turbo Pascal 3.0 for CP/M 80 on MinZ SBC [video] (www.youtube.com)
- Cpmemu, CP/M 2.2 Emulator for Win32/64 and Linux (github.com)
- Porting CP/M-65 to the Olimex neo6502 [video] (www.youtube.com)
- DIR Alternatives on CP/M (techtinkering.com)
- DIR Alternatives on CP/M (techtinkering.com)
- The CP/M handbook with MP/M (1980) [pdf] (ia800300.us.archive.org)
- CP/M Source Code (www.cpm.z80.de)
- CP/M Porting in a Few Hours (hackaday.com)