Hackernews posts about Curiosity
Curiosity is a NASA rover that has been exploring Mars since August 2012, equipped with advanced scientific instruments and cameras to gather data and capture stunning images of the Red Planet's surface.
- The Pandora Effect: The Power and Peril of Curiosity (journals.sagepub.com)
- Hallelujah, Leonard Cohen, and a Pulitzer Prize-winning writer's suicide (subtledigressions.substack.com)
- Fyodor and the Foxhole (subtledigressions.substack.com)
- NASA's Curiosity rover discovers a surprise in a Martian rock (www.jpl.nasa.gov)
- Let's consign CAP to the cabinet of curiosities (brooker.co.za)
- A scientific curiosity that happened to me (old.reddit.com)
- “Bullshit jobs” is a terrible, curiosity-killing concept (www.thediff.co)
- College Is All About Curiosity. And That Requires Free Speech. (www.nytimes.com)
- Cabinets of curiosities laid the foundation for modern museums (www.smithsonianmag.com)
- Superficial toxicity is the enemy of curiosity-driven innovation in science (avi-loeb.medium.com)
- The Death of Intellectual Curiosity (unfashionable.substack.com)
- NASA's Curiosity Rover Clocks 4000 Days on Mars (mars.nasa.gov)
- The Eames Institute of Infinite Curiosity Now Open to the Public (hypebeast.com)
- Programming vs. Mathematical Curiosity (demian.ferrei.ro)
- Show HN: Curiosity of the Day (www.curiosityoftheday.com)
- Curiosity Mars Rover Reaches Long-Awaited Salty Region (mars.nasa.gov)
- The Great Graph Debate: Revolutionary concept in databases or niche curiosity? (www.theregister.com)
- Cracks in Ancient Martian Mud Surprise NASA’s Curiosity Rover Team (www.jpl.nasa.gov)
- NASA’s Curiosity Finds Surprise Clues to Mars’ Watery Past (www.nasa.gov)
- Show HN: I built a social experiment to test your curiosity (thecuriositygame.com)
- NASA's Curiosity Rover Clocks 4k Days on Mars (www.nasa.gov)
- Curiosity rover finds metallic meteorite on Mars (www.space.com)
- NASA's Curiosity Rover Discovers a Surprise in a Martian Rock (www.jpl.nasa.gov)
- Thread Hijacking: Phishes That Prey on Your Curiosity (krebsonsecurity.com)
- Artificial Curiosity as Moral Virtue (thegradient.pub)