Hackernews posts about Daniel Dennett
Daniel Dennett is a renowned American philosopher and cognitive scientist known for his work on the philosophy of mind, artificial intelligence, and evolution.
- Daniel Dennett has died (dailynous.com)
- I never stopped learning from Daniel Dennett (nautil.us)
- Daniel Dennett: 'Where Am I?' (thereader.mitpress.mit.edu)
- The Stories of Daniel Dennett (aeon.co)
- Daniel Dennett – "Where am I?" [video] (www.youtube.com)
- Daniel Dennett, 1942-2024; A remembrance from Doug Hofstadter (garymarcus.substack.com)
- Daniel Dennett Has Died (www.theguardian.com)
- “Where Am I?” By Daniel Dennett [pdf] (www.lehigh.edu)
- What if I’m wrong? (2023) (behavioralscientist.org)
- How to Live a Happy Life, from a Leading Atheist (www.nytimes.com)
- Where Am I? (Daniel C. Dennett) [pdf] (www.lehigh.edu)