Hackernews posts about Datalog
Datalog is an embedded graph database that allows developers to store and query complex relationships between data entities using a SQL-like syntax.
- Designing systems with formal modeling, simulations, and chaos testing – Datadog (www.datadoghq.com)
- Show HN: Graphs with React and D3.js? The big picture (www.react-graph-gallery.com)
- Image-Text Curation for 1B+ Data: Faster, Better, Smaller Clip Models (www.datologyai.com)
- Deep-Dive into Building the Best Data Curation Engine for LLMs (www.datologyai.com)
- How we use formal modeling to design reliable distributed systems (www.datadoghq.com)
- Scaling out your Kubernetes pods with the Watermark Pod Autoscaler (www.datadoghq.com)
- MUT-8694: An NPM and PyPI Malicious Campaign Targeting Windows Users (securitylabs.datadoghq.com)
- We built a Ruby library that saves 50% in testing time (www.datadoghq.com)
- Show HN: SQLite Plugin for Jekyll (github.com)
- SurgeGrowth – Purchasing power parity(PPP) based pricing for apps and games (www.surgegrowth.io)
- The Analog Thing: Analog Computing for the Future (the-analog-thing.org)
- Introduction to Datalog (blogit.michelin.io)
- Learn Datalog Today (www.learndatalogtoday.org)
- From Datalog to SVG (inconvergent.net)
- An Overview of Datalog (2010) (clojure.github.io)
- Deconstructing Datalog [pdf] (www.rntz.net)
- Soufflé: A Datalog Synthesis Tool for Static Analysis (souffle-lang.github.io)
- Find Legal Moves in Brass Birmingham with Datalog (blog.pzakrzewski.com)
- Datalog in 100 lines of JavaScript (2022) (www.instantdb.com)
- Fast Analytics and Graph Traversals with Datalog (github.com)
- From Datalog to SVG (inconvergent.net)
- Datalog for JSON Munging (github.clerk.garden)
- Writing the Worst Datalog Ever in 26loc (buttondown.com)
- bddbddb: Using Datalog with Binary Decision Diagrams for Program Analysis [pdf] (people.csail.mit.edu)
- Datalog, Chain-Forward Computation, and Relational Algebra (kmicinski.com)
- A Differential Datalog Interpreter (www.mdpi.com)
- Bddbddb: Using Datalog with binary decision diagrams for program analysis [pdf] (people.csail.mit.edu)
- An Introduction to Datalog in Flix (paulbutcher.com)
- MiniLitelog: Easy Breezy SQLite Datalog (www.philipzucker.com)
- Shapiro: A Datalog Materialization Toolkit (github.com)
- Drinking with Datalog (ianthehenry.com)
- A Differential Datalog Interpreter (arxiv.org)
- Simply Typed Lambda Calculus in Datalog (hg.sr.ht)
- Datomic Datalog (2012) [video] (www.youtube.com)