Hackernews posts about Dependabot
- Dependabot Now Supports Bun (github.blog)
- Dependabot now supports pnpm catalogs (github.blog)
- GitHub repos bombarded by info-stealing commits masked as Dependabot (www.bleepingcomputer.com)
- Auto-Triage Rules for Dependabot (github.blog)
- Dependabot-core is now open source with an MIT license (github.blog)
- Dependabot Confusion: Tricking Dependabot into Injecting Malicious Code (giraffesecurity.dev)
- Dependabot Confusion: Gaining Access to Private GitHub Repositories (giraffesecurity.dev)
- Anvilytics.com – Dependabot and CVE Management Platform (anvilytics.com)
- Dependabot Setup Wizard (github.com)
- Show HN: Tag dependabot PRs with 'major-version-bump' label (gist.github.com)
- Dependabot-core is now open source with an MIT license (github.blog)
- Dependabot Confusion: Tricking Dependabot into Injecting Malicious Code (giraffesecurity.dev)
- Automating Dependabot PR Merges with CI/CD (michaelbastos.com)
- Skipping 'Dependabot' commits when using 'Git log' (utcc.utoronto.ca)
- A faster way to manage version updates with Dependabot (github.blog)
- A faster way to manage version updates with Dependabot (github.blog)
- Streamlining Software Dependency Management with Dependabot (blog.mergify.com)
- Show HN: GitOps Template for Kubernetes (github.com)