Hackernews posts about Ed25519
- Why does the all 0 public key have a known private key in SR25519 and ED25519? (substrate.stackexchange.com)
- Lib25519: A microlibrary for the X25519 encryption and Ed25519 signature systems (lib25519.cr.yp.to)
- Ed25519 and Ed448 will be included in NIST FIPS-186 [pdf] (public-inspection.federalregister.gov)
- Yubikey Ed25519 Setup Guide (zach.codes)
- Generate Ed25519 keys when invoked without arguments (github.com)
- Ed25519 (en.wikipedia.org)
- Salty: Ed25519 for ARM Microcontrollers (github.com)
- Widespread ethernet issues reported on new M2 Pro Mac mini (forums.macrumors.com)