Hackernews posts about eIDAS
- Last Chance to fix eIDAS: Secret EU law threatens Internet security (last-chance-for-eidas.org)
- Joint statement of scientists and NGOs on the EU’s proposed eIDAS reform (eidas-open-letter.org)
- Bad eIDAS: Europe ready to intercept, spy on your encrypted HTTPS connections (www.theregister.com)
- 13 days before the first eIDAS vote, still no public text (last-chance-for-eidas.org)
- EU Council and Parliament reach agreement for approving controversial eIDAS law (www.consilium.europa.eu)
- Mozilla website pushes serious eIDAS misinformation to political decision makers (www.european-signature-dialog.eu)
- Industry Joint Statement on Article 45 in the EU's EIDAS Regulation [pdf] (blog.mozilla.org)
- eIDAS wallet reference implementation released (github.com)
- Echoes from History II: The Dangers of EU Identity Law EIDAS (www.blockchaincommons.com)
- The EU eIDAS regulation and QWAC X.509 certificates (educatedguesswork.org)
- Eidas QWACs fiasco and browsers gatekeeping (ctrlc.hu)
- No Broken Browsers (www.jeremiahlee.com)
- German eID Based on Extended Access Control v2 (www.bsi.bund.de)
- Show HN: Eidos – Offline alternative to Notion (github.com)
- Deus Ex title killed after Embracer Group's cuts at Eidos (arstechnica.com)
- sPACE Attack: Spoofing eID’s Password Authenticated Connection Establishment (ctrlalt.medium.com)
- Embracer lays off 97 Eidos employees and cancels new Deus Ex game (www.theverge.com)
- The Eidis Hansen Stone (liftingstones.org)
- Every Day Is Acting School: How to Manage Creative Works, with Humans, for Money (blog.millerhooks.com)
- Show HN: Authenticated ChatGPT Plugin Template (github.com)