Hackernews posts about Elixir
Elixir is a dynamic, functional programming language and runtime environment for building scalable and maintainable applications, especially in the realm of concurrent systems.
- Embedding Python in Elixir, it's fine (dashbit.co)
- Agent-Less System Monitoring with Elixir Broadway (opsmaru.com)
- Why Elixir/OTP doesn't need an Agent framework: Part 1 (goto-code.com)
- Elixir OpenChain Certification (elixir-lang.org)
- Running ML models in Elixir using Pythonx (samrat.me)
- RAG: Elixir Library for RAG (bitcrowd.dev)
- Women in Elixir – Lorena Mireles [video] (www.youtube.com)
- Python Interpreter Embedded in Elixir (github.com)
- Why Elixir/OTP doesn't need an Agent framework: Part 2 (goto-code.com)
- Show HN: ProgrammerHumor.io – WordPress to Phoenix Liveview ~ 7x faster (programmerhumor.io)
- Open-source alternative to Raspberry Pi for Nerves (www.elixirconf.eu)
- Elixir 1.17 released: set-theoretic types in patterns, durations, OTP 27 (elixir-lang.org)
- Elixir for cynical curmudgeons (wiki.alopex.li)
- Elixir is now a gradually typed language (twitter.com)
- Elixir saves Pinterest $2M a year in server costs (paraxial.io)
- Switching to Elixir (www.leemeichin.com)
- Unpacking Elixir: Concurrency (underjord.io)
- Distributed Machine Learning Notebooks with Elixir and Livebook (news.livebook.dev)
- Elixir and Rust is a good mix (fly.io)
- From Python to Elixir Machine Learning (www.thestackcanary.com)
- Elixir is still safe (paraxial.io)
- Typing lists and tuples in Elixir (elixir-lang.org)
- Zigler: Zig NIFs in Elixir (github.com)
- Elixir/Erlang Hot Swapping Code (2016) (kennyballou.com)
- Unpacking Elixir: Resilience (underjord.io)
- Scripting with Elixir (underjord.io)
- How to sell Elixir again (gist.github.com)
- Elixir/Erlang Secure Coding and Deployment Hardening Guidelines (erlef.github.io)
- Implementing Natural Conversational Agents with Elixir (seanmoriarity.com)
- Parsing PDFs (and more) in Elixir using Rust (www.chriis.dev)
- Show HN: Bloom – A shadcn like UI library for Elixir and Phoenix (bloom-ui.fly.dev)
- Elixir and Phoenix can do it all (fly.io)
- Building a WoW (World of Warcraft) Server in Elixir (pikdum.dev)
- Unification in Elixir (www.ericpfahl.com)
- Data wrangling in Elixir with Explorer, the power of Rust, the elegance of R (news.livebook.dev)
- Unpacking Elixir: Observability (underjord.io)
- Elixir for Ruby developers: the three most important differences (phoenixonrails.com)