Hackernews posts about Elixir

Elixir is a dynamic, functional programming language and runtime environment for building scalable and maintainable applications, especially in the realm of concurrent systems.

Related: Livebook   Phoenix   Rust   Erlang   Explorer   Pinterest   LiveView   SQLite   Postgres   Mozilla   Axon   2022   gamedev  
  1. Silos in the Elixir Community (www.zachdaniel.dev)
  2. Behavior Sanitizers in Elixir (blog.brycekerley.net)
  3. Behavior Sanitizers in Elixir (blog.brycekerley.net)
  4. Switching to Elixir (www.leemeichin.com)
  5. How to sell Elixir again (gist.github.com)
  6. Unification in Elixir (www.ericpfahl.com)