Hackernews posts about Elsevier
Elsevier is a leading global publisher of scientific, technical, and medical journals and books.
- As a nonsense phrase of shady provenance makes the rounds, Elsevier defends it (retractionwatch.com)
- Profiling reveals subcellular localization and remodeling at proteome scale (linkinghub.elsevier.com)
- DeepSeek celebrated in China despite concerns elsewhere (www.abc.net.au)
- Show HN: SimpleSearch – Just a list of search bars (simplesearch.info)
- Evolution journal editors resign en masse to protest Elsevier changes (retractionwatch.com)
- Elsevier may wish they had checked the revision a bit more carefully (community.nodebb.org)
- Author Finds Another's Name on an Elsevier Book Chapter She Wrote (retractionwatch.com)
- Elsevier paper with obvious AI-written text (fediscience.org)
- Elsevier withdraws plagiarized paper after author calls journal out on LinkedIn (retractionwatch.com)
- Evolution journal editors resign en masse to protest Elsevier changes (retractionwatch.com)
- New hijacking scam targets Elsevier, Springer Nature, and other major publishers (retractionwatch.com)
- MIT libraries are thriving without Elsevier (pluralistic.net)
- Elsevier: NeuroImage – all editors have resigned over the high publication fee [pdf] (imaging-neuroscience.org)
- Evolution journal (Elsevier) editors resign en masse (arstechnica.com)
- An Elsevier paper written by ChatGPT goes viral (twitter.com)
- Complete editorial board resigns from top Elsevier journal over APC pricing [pdf] (imaging-neuroscience.org)
- Elsevier's Scopus deletes journal links due to revelations of hijacked journals (retractionwatch.com)
- Show HN: Track your Elsevier article review status (elsevier-review-tracker.vercel.app)
- Lactoferrin alleviates Western diet-induced cognitive impairment (linkinghub.elsevier.com)