Hackernews posts about FAT32
- Microsoft is finally removing the FAT32 partition size limit in Windows 11 (www.theverge.com)
- Microsoft removes FAT32 partition size limit in Windows 11 (www.bleepingcomputer.com)
- Microsoft removes FAT32 partition size limit in Windows 11 (www.bleepingcomputer.com)
- Show HN: A toy bootloader written in C++ (github.com)
- Show HN: SpecOS – A 64 bit OS kernel from scratch (github.com)
- Show HN: Reading background videos from the SD card in a GBA game (www.youtube.com)
- Imagine seeing your job role on LinkedIn – for up to $90K more than you make (www.marketwatch.com)
- What Once Saved Intel [video] (www.youtube.com)