Hackernews posts about FFmpeg
FFmpeg is an open-source software framework used for processing multimedia data, widely recognized as one of the most versatile and powerful tools for handling audio and video files.
- FFmpeg by Example (ffmpegbyexample.com)
- Guitar chord karaoke with Vamp, Chordino, and FFmpeg (2022) (dylanbeattie.net)
- FFmpeg Assembly Language Lesson One (docs.google.com)
- FFmpeg-Kit Retires (github.com)
- All FFmpeg-Kit binaries will be removed soon (github.com)
- How I use FFmpeg and Whisper to add subtitles for free to my videos (www.tommyjepsen.com)
- Introduction to FFmpeg (alexandrehtrb.github.io)
- Show HN: I completed shipping my desktop app (pimosa.app)
- Show HN: LLMpeg (github.com)
- FFmpeg 6.0 (www.ffmpeg.org)
- FFmpeg 7.0 (ffmpeg.org)
- Ffmprovisr – Making FFmpeg Easier (amiaopensource.github.io)
- FFmpeg is getting multithreaded transcoding pipelines (twitter.com)
- FFmpeg Explorer (ffmpeg.lav.io)
- WebRTC support being added to FFmpeg (github.com)
- Germany's Sovereign Tech Fund Now Supporting FFmpeg (www.phoronix.com)
- FFmpeg up to 94x performance boost after implementing handwritten assembly code (www.tomshardware.com)
- Show HN: CompressX, my FFmpeg wrapper for macOS (compressx.app)
- FFmpeg 7.1 release: a tons of codecs (jbkempf.com)
- Show HN: Video editor app that generates FFmpeg commands (newbeelearn.com)
- FFmpeg 6.1 released (www.ffmpeg.org)
- A History of the FFmpeg Project (codecs.multimedia.cx)
- FFmpeg-online: ffpmeg running on the browser (ffmpeg-online.vercel.app)
- Easy video transcription and subtitling with Whisper, FFmpeg, and Python (www.editframe.com)
- Generate video sprites using just FFmpeg (steelcm.com)
- A Journey Through Color Space with FFmpeg (canvatechblog.com)
- The FFmpeg/Libav situation (2012) (blog.pkh.me)
- FFmpeg Asks Intel for a Server (twitter.com)
- Weekly reminder that FFmpeg powers all online video (twitter.com)