Hackernews posts about FFmpeg

FFmpeg is an open-source software framework used for processing multimedia data, widely recognized as one of the most versatile and powerful tools for handling audio and video files.

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  1. FFmpeg by Example (ffmpegbyexample.com)
  2. Introduction to FFmpeg (alexandrehtrb.github.io)
  3. Show HN: LLMpeg (github.com)
  4. FFmpeg 6.0 (www.ffmpeg.org)
  5. FFmpeg 7.0 (ffmpeg.org)
  6. Ffmprovisr – Making FFmpeg Easier (amiaopensource.github.io)
  7. FFmpeg Explorer (ffmpeg.lav.io)
  8. FFmpeg 6.1 released (www.ffmpeg.org)
  9. A History of the FFmpeg Project (codecs.multimedia.cx)