Hackernews posts about Flaubert
- Flaubert's letters are as hilarious and humane as his best fiction (www.washingtonpost.com)
- The soul moved the pen, and broke it: Flaubert's emotional style (www.commonreader.co.uk)
- Flaubert versus the World (newrepublic.com)
- Casey Flaherty on Messaging Overload (telablog.com)
- Flabbergasted #001:⌘K – The biggest scam in UX – How to use type on the web (flabbergasted.substack.com)
- Shouldn't distant objects appear magnified? (astronomy.stackexchange.com)
- On the Double-Slit Experiment and Quantum Interference in the Wolfram Model (2020) (www.wolframphysics.org)
- Complexity bad: An interview with Htmx creator Carson Gross (www.infoworld.com)
- The Original Lego Patent (2015) (www.mentalfloss.com)
- Retrospective for a Ragtime King (van-magazine.com)
- PyCon US 2023 videos now on YouTube (www.youtube.com)
- The life and time of an Abstract Syntax Tree (blog.trailofbits.com)
- Like VS Code, but for 2D graphics – PixiEditor 2.0 is announced (pixieditor.net)
- Binary type inference in Ghidra (blog.trailofbits.com)