Hackernews posts about Fred Brooks
- BookStack: Simple and Free Wiki Software (www.bookstackapp.com)
- Show HN: An app to improve touch typing by typing out whole books (typersguild.com)
- Show HN: This Was Inspired by My 5-Year-Old (storyartai.com)
- Fred Brooks has died (twitter.com)
- Oral History of Fred Brooks (2007) [pdf] (archive.computerhistory.org)
- DHH (and Fred Brooks) on Twitter's Headcount (daringfireball.net)
- RIP Fred Brooks (www.theregister.com)
- Future of Coding #62: No Silver Bullet by Fred Brooks (futureofcoding.org)
- Fred Brooks is gone, but his IT management lessons will live forever (www.computerworld.com)
- Livestream of Memorial Service for Dr. Fred Brooks (www.youtube.com)
- Memorial Service for Dr. Fred Brooks (www.youtube.com)
- The Machine Learning Scientist as Toolsmith: Remembering Fred Brooks (bastian.rieck.me)
- The Machine Learning Scientist as Toolsmith: Remembering Fred Brooks (bastian.rieck.me)
- RIP Fred 'Mythical Man-Month' Brooks: IBM guru of software project management (www.theregister.com)
- RIP Fred 'Mythical Man-Month' Brooks: IBM guru of software project management (www.theregister.com)
- RIP Fred 'Mythical Man-Month' Brooks: IBM guru of software project management (www.theregister.com)
- Show HN: Track your calories easily by saying what you ate (www.calorio.xyz)
- DRM-free e-books are a big deal (2019) (www.libraryjournal.com)
- EbookFoundation/Free-Programming-Books (github.com)
- Free Tech Books (www.freetechbooks.com)
- Free LoRaWAN Books (www.univ-smb.fr)
- Stuff Your Kindle Day Dec. 2023: How to get free books (mashable.com)
- Free Programming Books (github.com)
- Free Online Books: Experiences with "Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces" (from-a-to-remzi.blogspot.com)