Hackernews posts about Gitlab

Gitlab is a popular web-based Git repository manager and version control platform that provides a suite of tools for software development collaboration and project management.

  1. Gitlab 17.7 Released (about.gitlab.com)
  2. Big-Endian RISC-V (gitlab.com)
  3. GPSD Numbers Matter (gpsd.gitlab.io)
  4. Show HN: Gitlab Meeting Simulator 2024 (benjamin-brady.github.io)
  5. CI/CD with KiCad and Gitlab (sschueller.github.io)
  6. Gitlab Explores Sale (www.reuters.com)
  7. Gitlab is reportedly up for sale (www.developer-tech.com)
  8. Gitlab.com is down (status.gitlab.com)
  9. Gitlab Duo (about.gitlab.com)