Hackernews posts about Gitlab.com
Gitlab.com is a cloud-based software development platform that provides source code management and collaboration tools for developers and organizations to manage their projects and workflows.
- Making a multiplayer action game in Haskell (gitlab.com)
- Gitlab Product Principles (handbook.gitlab.com)
- We need to talk about NO_PROXY (2021) (about.gitlab.com)
- Rocksolid Light – a web based Usenet news client (gitlab.com)
- SatNOGS (gitlab.com)
- Gitlab.com is down (status.gitlab.com)
- Gitlab.com – Container registry pulls failing with unknown blob (status.gitlab.com)
- The guide to securing your code on GitLab.com (about.gitlab.com)
- Show HN: Hacker News with Tags (histre.com)
- Show HN: Roast my SQLite encryption at-rest (github.com)
- Show HN: The Probability Times (theprobabilitytimes.com)
- Show HN: Frankendash – Create dashboards from web page snippets (frankendash.com)
- Show HN: Bash.org Archive (bash-org-archive.com)
- Show HN: Monazita, F# library for working with PostgreSQL (monazita.gitlab.io)
- Show HN: New Version of MyOwnDB (www.myowndb.com)
- Show HN: Listidge – for sharing lists. Wishlists, todo lists, collections etc. (listidge-4k8mz.ondigitalocean.app)
- Show HN: A minimalist basketball stat sheet app (gitlab.com)