Hackernews posts about Gleam

Gleam is a modern, Rust-inspired language designed for building web and native applications that provides a strong focus on simplicity, concurrency, and performance.

Related: Tauri  
  1. Gleam v1.9 (gleam.run)
  2. Gleam Is Pragmatic (blog.drewolson.org)
  3. Gleam v1.7 (gleam.run)
  4. Gleam Version 1 (gleam.run)
  5. Shine with Gleam (rockyj-blogs.web.app)
  6. Exploring the Gleam FFI (www.jonashietala.se)
  7. Gleam v1.7 (gleam.run)
  8. Using Use in Gleam (erikarow.land)