Hackernews posts about Gleam
Gleam is a modern, Rust-inspired language designed for building web and native applications that provides a strong focus on simplicity, concurrency, and performance.
- Gleam v1.7 (gleam.run)
- Gleam v1.7 (gleam.run)
- How to Add Metaprogramming to Gleam (lpil.uk)
- Comparing –> Gleam –> F# (jkone27-3876.medium.com)
- Building the same app in Gleam and JavaScript (gleaming.dev)
- Indexing Code at Scale with Glean (engineering.fb.com)
- Indexing Code at Scale with Glean (engineering.fb.com)
- Indexing Code at Scale with Glean (engineering.fb.com)
- Gleam: a type safe language on the Erlang VM (gleam.run)
- Gleam Is Pragmatic (blog.drewolson.org)
- Exploring Gleam, a type-safe language on the BEAM (christopher.engineering)
- Things I like about Gleam's Syntax (erikarow.land)
- Gleam 1.2.0 release – Fault tolerant Gleam (gleam.run)
- Gleam: A Basic Introduction (peq42.com)
- Building a hybrid native application with Gleam and Tauri (www.wezm.net)
- Gleam Version 1 (gleam.run)
- Gleam's New Interactive Language Tour (gleam.run)
- Gleam v1.0.0 Released (gleam.run)
- Supercharged Labels – Gleam v1.4.0 (gleam.run)
- My Favourite Gleam Feature (erikarow.land)
- Enhancing Your Elixir Codebase with Gleam (blog.appsignal.com)
- My first experience with Gleam Language (pliutau.com)
- Shine with Gleam (rockyj-blogs.web.app)
- Gleam v0.33 – Exhaustive Gleam (gleam.run)
- Exploring the Gleam FFI (www.jonashietala.se)
- Learn OTP with Gleam (github.com)
- The basics for a fullstack SPA in Gleam (keii.dev)
- Using Use in Gleam (erikarow.land)
- Gleam v1.5 Released (gleam.run)
- Gleam v1.6.0 Released (gleam.run)
- My Favorite Gleam Feature (erikarow.land)
- Convenient code actions – Gleam v1.5.0 released (gleam.run)
- Gleam v1.3.0 Released (github.com)
- Gleam v1.0.0 (github.com)