Hackernews posts about GraphQL
GraphQL is an open-source query language for APIs that allows developers to fetch precisely what they need from a database, reducing network overhead and improving application performance.
- Is gRPC Better for Microservices Than GraphQL? (wundergraph.com)
- Is gRPC Better for Microservices Than GraphQL? (wundergraph.com)
- Scaling GraphQL Schema Usage to billions of requests per day (wundergraph.com)
- Ask HN: GraphQL will enable generative UI's? (graphql.org)
- GraphQL eXpansion (graphql-x.web.app)
- REST API Orchestration with GraphQL (www.apollographql.com)
- Normalization Affects Query Plan Caching in GraphQL Federation (wundergraph.com)
- How to write a successful conference proposal (graphql.org)
- BetterBufRead: Faster Reads in Rust (graphallthethings.com)
- Representing Graphs in PostgreSQL (www.richard-towers.com)
- Nping – ping, but with a graph or table view (github.com)
- Did the Windows 95 setup team forget that MS-DOS can do graphics? (devblogs.microsoft.com)
- Advice on writing effective cypher queries (graph DBMS) [video] (www.youtube.com)
- A Graphene Biosensor Could Monitor Blood Pressure and More (spectrum.ieee.org)
- Implementing graph RAG using knowledge graphs (www.ibm.com)
- Phind 2: AI search with visual answers and multi-step reasoning (www.phind.com)
- Show HN: EVMole for Analysing EVM Bytecode (evmole.xyz)
- After 6 years, I'm over GraphQL (bessey.dev)
- Migrating Netflix to GraphQL safely (netflixtechblog.com)
- Show HN: REST Alternative to GraphQL and tRPC (openapistack.co)
- GraphQL vs. REST APIs: a complete guide (www.airplane.dev)
- Eight Years of GraphQL (www.magiroux.com)
- Migrating Netflix to GraphQL (netflixtechblog.com)
- Grats: A More Pleasant Way to Build TypeScript GraphQL Servers (jordaneldredge.com)
- I reviewed 1,000s of GraphQL vs. REST perspectives (konfigthis.com)
- The Performance Cost of Node.js and GraphQL (www.softwareatscale.dev)
- GraphQL and the Beads on a String (blog.luccasiau.com)
- GraphQL and Type Systems (hypirion.com)
- Debugging GraphQL N+1 Issues with Open Source Tracing Tools (kickstage.com)
- You probably don't need GraphQL (mxstbr.com)
- Design a GraphQL Schema So Good, It'll Make REST APIs Cry (tailcall.run)
- We Ditched REST and Went with GraphQL: Here’s Why (medium.com)
- Pg_GraphQL: Postgres Functions Now Supported (supabase.com)
- Remix is better than GraphQL (andrewhuth.substack.com)
- Show HN: Type-safe feature flags with Git versioning, local fallbacks, GraphQL (www.hypertune.com)
- Show HN: GraphQL-like full stack typesafe development for REST (openapistack.co)
- Serverless Search with GraphQL (grafbase.com)