Hackernews posts about Heardle
- Show HN: OpenSelfService – open source composable frontend for customer portals (www.openselfservice.com)
- Product Development Processes You Might Not Have Heard of (2022) (www.departmentofproduct.com)
- How much traffic can a pre-rendered Next.js site handle? (martijnhols.nl)
- Steve Wozniak: 'Founding Apple would be much harder today than in the 1970s' (www.theregister.com)
- Headlamp: Kubernetes Web UI (github.com)
- The Hardest Part of Working at a Growth Startup (staysaasy.com)
- Why Did Automakers Stop Making Cars with Pop-Up Headlights? (www.jalopnik.com)
- Show HN: Using LLM to predict future trends and headlines before they happen (forecast.artifisi.com)
- What the Headlines Miss About the Latest Decision in the Musk vs. OpenAI Lawsuit (garrisonlovely.substack.com)