Hackernews posts about Hector Martin
- Asahi Linux Lead Developer Hector Martin Steps Down (www.phoronix.com)
- Hector Martin on new Apple CPU speculative attack (social.treehouse.systems)
- Show HN: Summarize, RAG Search, and Share Podcasts - Audio Brevity (audiobrevity.com)
- Hector Martin: we care about fixing Linux problems on Asahi (social.treehouse.systems)
- HN bans Hector Martin’s home IP address (social.treehouse.systems)
- Ubuntu Asahi Talk with Hector Martin and Tobias Heider at Ubuntu Summit (www.youtube.com)
- Hector Martin on the state of Linux Kernel development (social.treehouse.systems)
- Hector Martin of Asahi Linux bemoans the state of Linux Kernel code reviews (social.treehouse.systems)
- Hector Martin on Operation Triangulation (social.treehouse.systems)
- Why IT Is the Best Sector to Work In (martinbaun.com)
- In which sector are the top performers stupidest? (marginalrevolution.com)
- Markets in everything those new service sector jobs body doubling edition (marginalrevolution.com)
- Show HN: Dlt – Python library to automate the creation of datasets (colab.research.google.com)