Hackernews posts about Hetzner
Hetzner is a cloud hosting and data center services provider known for its affordable and high-performance infrastructure solutions.
- Hetzner Cloud servers are at capacity since 6 months (status.hetzner.com)
- Run DevPod on Hetzner (github.com)
- Mainboard replacement for several dedicated servers (Hetzner) (docs.hetzner.com)
- Mainboard Replacements for Hetzner's AX42, AX52 and AX102 Servers (status.hetzner.com)
- Show HN: Stock/Crypto/Forex News Alerts and Watchlist (stocknewsalerts.net)
- Object Storage in location hel1 degraded (status.hetzner.com)
- Encrypted traffic interception on Hetzner and Linode targeting Jabber service (notes.valdikss.org.ru)
- Hetzner Introduces ARM64 Cloud Servers (www.hetzner.com)
- "Hetzner decided to cancel our account and terminate all servers" (mastodon.social)
- Hetzner launches three new dedicated servers (www.hetzner.com)
- Kubernetes on Hetzner: cutting my infra bill by 75% (bilbof.com)
- Mitigating the Hetzner/Linode XMPP.ru MitM interception incident (www.devever.net)
- Hetzner switches to new billing model (docs.hetzner.com)
- Hetzner GPU Server (robot.hetzner.com)
- Hetzner Object Storage (docs.hetzner.com)
- OpenBSD/ARM64 on Hetzner Cloud (www.undeadly.org)
- Plex to block all servers hosted at Hetzner (links.plex.tv)
- Open and portable Postgres-as-a-service. Also available on Hetzner (www.ubicloud.com)
- Bare-Metal Kubernetes, Part I: Talos on Hetzner (datavirke.dk)
- Zero-Downtime Hetzner Deploys with Ansible (scratchdb.com)
- AWS and Azure Are at Least 4x–10x More Expensive Than Hetzner (learn.umh.app)
- Set Up a $4/Mo Hetzner VM to Skip the Serverless Tax (shipixen.com)
- Hetzner lowers pricing of Intel cloud servers (www.hetzner.com)
- Plex announced to block instances on German hosting provider Hetzner (forums.plex.tv)
- Hetzner GEX44 with Nvidia GPU (www.hetzner.com)
- Hetzner Cloud – Singapore location available (docs.hetzner.cloud)
- Hetzner introduces GPU server for AI training (www.hetzner.com)