Hackernews posts about Home Assistant
Home Assistant is an open-source automation platform that enables users to integrate and control various smart devices in their homes through a user-friendly interface and natural language processing.
- Xiaomi Home Integration for Home Assistant (github.com)
- Replace Philips Hue Automation with Home Assistant's (blog.frankel.ch)
- Home Assistant can not be secured for internet access (frederikbraun.de)
- Manage Home Lights in Smart and Open Source Way: HomeAssistant and Zigbee (nixsanctuary.com)
- An MCP Server for Home Assistant (github.com)
- Home Assistant teases new open source voice assistant hardware (www.home-assistant.io)
- The Home Assistant Model (blog.frankel.ch)
- Show HN: Realtime AI and Telephony and DTMF (github.com)
- Secure Communication Channel for iOS App (community.home-assistant.io)
- Camera, Frigate: Intelligent AI-powered notifications (community.home-assistant.io)
- Home Assistant blocked from integrating with Garage Door opener API (www.home-assistant.io)
- Home Assistant 2023.11 (www.home-assistant.io)
- Home Assistant: Three years later (eamonnsullivan.co.uk)
- Haier hits Home Assistant plugin dev with takedown notice (www.bleepingcomputer.com)
- Home Assistant Presence Simulation (github.com)
- Uv saves Home Assistant 215 compute hours per month (developers.home-assistant.io)
- Automating heating with Home Assistant (seanblanchfield.com)
- DIY Wi-Fi thermostat from scratch with ESPHome and Home Assistant (olegtarasov.me)
- The Home Assistant Green is here (www.theverge.com)
- Home Assistant Year of the Voice – Chapter 4: Wake Words (www.home-assistant.io)
- How to start a smart home using Home Assistant (www.theverge.com)
- Securing our home labs: Home Assistant code review (github.blog)
- Reverse engineering the protocol of a BLE lamp to integrate it in HomeAssistant (simon.egli.online)
- 10 Years Home Assistant (www.home-assistant.io)
- Announcing the Open Home Foundation (a new home for Home Assistant) (building.open-home.io)