Hackernews posts about Jacob Ziv
Jacob Ziv is a renowned computer scientist and data compression pioneer who has made significant contributions to the field through his groundbreaking algorithms and research.
- Jacob Collier: in the room where it happens (www.youtube.com)
- Jacob Ziv has died (twitter.com)
- Jacob Ziv (LZ77) has died (en.wikipedia.org)
- From WinZips to Cat GIFs, Jacob Ziv's Algorithms Powered Decades of Compression (spectrum.ieee.org)
- Remembering Data Compression Pioneer Jacob Ziv (spectrum.ieee.org)
- Remembering Data Compression Pioneer Jacob Ziv (spectrum.ieee.org)
- Commemorating Jacob Ziv: The “Z” in the LZ-77 and LZ-79 (www.i-programmer.info)
- Jacob Young Joins the Core Zig Team (ziglang.org)
- Clicks vs. Collectors (zine.zora.co)