Hackernews posts about LockBit
LockBit is a notorious ransomware group that has been linked to numerous high-profile attacks and has gained notoriety for its aggressive tactics and ability to evade detection by law enforcement and cybersecurity experts.
- Aukus blasts holes in LockBit's bulletproof hosting provider (www.theregister.com)
- Brother accused of locking down third-party printer ink cartridges (www.tomshardware.com)
- Optimistic Locking in B-Trees (cedardb.com)
- TSMC faces $70M ransom demand following lockbit cyberattack (www.thefinalhop.com)
- FBI has obtained 7k Lockbit ransomware decryption keys (www.fbi.gov)
- Evolve Bank and Trust confirms LockBit stole 7.6M people's data (www.theregister.com)
- How did authorities identify the alleged LockBit boss? (krebsonsecurity.com)
- LockBit says it's leaked 50GB of stolen Boeing files after ransom fails to land (www.theregister.com)
- LockBit claims to exfiltrate 33TB of data from US Federal Reserve (securityaffairs.com)
- Dissecting LockBit v3 Ransomware (blog.calif.io)
- Feds seized control of LockBit ransomware group (krebsonsecurity.com)
- Feds Seize LockBit Ransomware Websites, Offer Decryption Tools, Troll Affiliates (krebsonsecurity.com)
- LockBit redraws negotiation tactics after affiliates fail to squeeze victims (www.theregister.com)
- FBI's Lockbit Takedown Postponed a Ticking Time Bomb in Fulton County, Ga (krebsonsecurity.com)
- Lockbit Statement on FBI Takedown (samples.vx-underground.org)
- LockBit Leader Unmasked and Sanctioned (nationalcrimeagency.gov.uk)
- Police arrest four suspects linked to LockBit ransomware gang (www.bleepingcomputer.com)
- Details of LockBit Ransomware and Operations (www.secureworks.com)
- CDW data to be leaked next week after negotiations with LockBit break down (www.theregister.com)
- LockBit Ransomware Developer Arrested in Israel (www.darkreading.com)
- Ukrainian cops collar Kyiv programmer believed to be Conti, LockBit linchpin (www.theregister.com)
- LockBit Leader Unmasked and Sanctioned (nationalcrimeagency.gov.uk)
- U.S. Charges Russian Man as Boss of LockBit Ransomware Group (krebsonsecurity.com)
- Europol crackdown on Lockbit admins (www.europol.europa.eu)
- LockBit says it's leaked 50GB of stolen Boeing files after ransom fails to land (www.theregister.com)
- Boeing assessing Lockbit hacking gang threat of sensitive data leak (www.reuters.com)
- Boeing assessing Lockbit hacking gang threat of sensitive data leak (www.reuters.com)
- The LockBit ransomware (kinda) comes for macOS (objective-see.org)