Hackernews posts about Michael Burry
Michael Burry is a renowned investor and founder of Scion Capital Management, famously known for his successful bet against the housing market in "The Big Short".
- Michael Burry shorts Major index in sizable bets (www.thestreet.com)
- Michael Burry Says Crypto Audits Are ‘Essentially Meaningless’ (www.bloomberg.com)
- Show HN: Michael Burry Portfolio Tracker (www.quiverquant.com)
- 'Big Short' Michael Burry admits he was 'wrong to say sell' (markets.businessinsider.com)
- Michael Burry's warning for the 2023 stock market crash (www.newtraderu.com)
- Burry shorts the market with $1.6B in SPDR S&P 500 and Invesco QQQ puts (markets.businessinsider.com)
- Whole Foods Tried to Change This Cake Recipe. Customers Lost It (www.nytimes.com)