Hackernews posts about MIT Press

MIT Press is an academic publishing house and book publisher affiliated with Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), known for its high-quality publications on various subjects including science, technology, engineering, mathematics, humanities, and social sciences.

  1. Project Cybersyn (2023) (thereader.mitpress.mit.edu)
  2. The Psychology of the Psychic (thereader.mitpress.mit.edu)
  3. How actors remember their lines (thereader.mitpress.mit.edu)
  4. The rich history of ham radio culture (thereader.mitpress.mit.edu)
  5. J.G. Ballard: My Favorite Books (thereader.mitpress.mit.edu)
  6. How deep does life go? (thereader.mitpress.mit.edu)
  7. Topology, a Categorical Approach (2020) (topology.mitpress.mit.edu)
  8. Aldous Huxley's Deep Reflection (thereader.mitpress.mit.edu)
  9. Elites tried to monopolize hunting (thereader.mitpress.mit.edu)
  10. Daniel Dennett: 'Where Am I?' (thereader.mitpress.mit.edu)
  11. How New Ideas Arise (thereader.mitpress.mit.edu)