Hackernews posts about Noble Numbat
- Ubuntu 24.04 Noble Numbat (releases.ubuntu.com)
- Ubuntu Desktop 24.04 LTS: Noble Numbat (ubuntu.com)
- Ubuntu 24.04 Noble Numbat (canonical.com)
- Ubuntu 24.04 LTS Noble Numbat release (ubuntu.com)
- After delay due to xz, Ubuntu 24.04 'Noble Numbat' belatedly hits beta (www.theregister.com)
- Ubuntu Desktop 24.04 LTS: Noble Numbat deep dive (ubuntu.com)
- The Coronation of a New Mascot: Noble Numbat (ubuntu.com)
- Noble Numbat 24.04 Wallpaper Competition (discourse.ubuntu.com)
- Ubuntu 24.04 LTS: first with 12 years of support (ubuntu.com)
- Upgrade PostgreSQL from 15 to 16 on Ubuntu 24.04 (www.paulox.net)