Hackernews posts about OpenGL
- How to generate OpenGraph images with Astro and Satori (skyfall.dev)
- Beating OpenBLAS in FP32 Matrix Multiplication (salykova.github.io)
- Beating OpenBLAS in FP32 Matrix Multiplication (salykova.github.io)
- OpenFlexture Microscope open source 3D-printed microscope (Pi 4 SBC, Cam Mod v2) (www.cnx-software.com)
- Nvidia Makes Cosmos World Foundation Models Openly Available (blogs.nvidia.com)
- Show HN: OpenClimate.fund – Funding the digital environmental infrastructure (openclimate.fund)
- Beating OpenBLAS in FP32 Matrix Multiplication (salykova.github.io)
- Intel Battlemage Showing Off Nice OpenCL Gains with Newest OSS Compute Stack (www.phoronix.com)
- Empowering Community-Driven Funding with OpenClimate.fund (opensustain.tech)
- Beating OpenBLAS in FP32 Matrix Multiplication (salykova.github.io)
- Show HN: OpenAlias WebUI (github.com)
- Show HN: HipScript – Run CUDA in the browser with WebAssembly and WebGPU (hipscript.lights0123.com)
- Show HN: Auto Generate Viral Clips (clippify.me)
- Top tech stacks powering popular open-source projects (openalternative.co)
- I've analyzed the tech stack of nearly 500 open-source companies (openalternative.co)
- Open Logic Project (openlogicproject.org)
- Fund Open Source in Climate and Sustainability (openclimate.fund)
- Open Longevity Project (www.openlongevityproject.org)
- Show HN: Trending Open LLM List (openllmlist.com)
- Fund Open Source in Climate and Sustainability (openclimate.fund)
- Fund Open Source in Climate and Sustainability (openclimate.fund)
- Sixos: A Nix OS without systemd [video] (media.ccc.de)
- A free BIOS with GNU Boot [video] (media.ccc.de)
- LA tech entrepreneur nearly misses flight after getting trapped in robotaxi (www.theguardian.com)
- Site Report (sitereport.netcraft.com)
- OpenGL 3.1 on Asahi Linux (asahilinux.org)
- Conformant OpenGL 4.6 on the M1 (rosenzweig.io)
- SimCity in the web browser using WebAssembly and OpenGL (micropolisweb.com)
- Zink brings conformant OpenGL on Imagination GPUs (www.collabora.com)
- Imagination GPUs now support OpenGL 4.6 (blog.imaginationtech.com)
- Programming terrain from scratch using C++ and OpenGL by Shamus Young (2006) (www.shamusyoung.com)
- From scratch OpenGL and shaders with raw Xlib (hereket.com)
- Nvidia open source driver to use NVK and Zink for OpenGL on newer GPUs (www.gamingonlinux.com)
- Open-Source Nvidia Driver Moving to NVK and Zink for OpenGL on Newer GPUs (www.phoronix.com)
- Porting FSR 2 to OpenGL (juandiegomontoya.github.io)
- Python and OpenGL for Scientific Visualization (www.labri.fr)
- OpenGL is not dead, long live Vulkan (accidentalastro.com)
- Taming the Panthor: OpenGL ES 3.1 Conformance Achieved on Mali-G610 (www.collabora.com)
- OpenGL Bindings for Bash (2018) (opensource.com)
- Show HN: Common Lisp tutorials with OpenGL graphics (www.youtube.com)
- Best Practices for Modern OpenGL (2022) (juandiegomontoya.github.io)
- Egui = Rust and OpenGL/WebGL = fast cross-platform GUI (www.egui.rs)
- Learn OpenGL, extensive tutorial resource for learning Modern OpenGL (learnopengl.com)
- 3D Graphics Rendering with OpenGL (sjer.red)
- OpenGL rendering engine written in pure C++ (opengl.bassi.li)
- OpenGL is not Right-Handed (www.gingerbill.org)