Hackernews posts about Photoshop
Photoshop is a popular image editing and manipulation software used by professionals and hobbyists alike to create, edit, and enhance visual content.
- PhotoGIMP: Gimp for Photoshop Users (github.com)
- All-New Photoshop iPhone App (blog.adobe.com)
- Adobe's new Photoshop app for iPhone is more like the real thing (www.theverge.com)
- Adobe Releases Photoshop App for iPhone (www.macrumors.com)
- Photoshop on iPhone. The ultimate mobile image editing app (www.adobe.com)
- Show HN: ArtRoomMockups – Easily Convince and Captivate Your Audience (artroommockups.com)
- Show HN: Law and Order SVU – The RPG (you-son-of-a-b.itch.io)
- Adobe Photoshop Source Code (2013) (computerhistory.org)
- Examples using Photoshop’s new “Generative Fill” feature (twitter.com)
- How Photoshop solved working with files larger than can fit into memory (developer.chrome.com)
- Marlon Brando Was a Secret Tech Geek and Photoshop Ace (2015) (www.yahoo.com)
- Jennifer in paradise: the story of the first Photoshopped image (2014) (www.theguardian.com)
- How to Run Adobe Photoshop 2024 on Wine (Linux) (forum.mattkc.com)
- Photoshop for Text (2022) (stephango.com)
- Photoshop is SPYING on you now (twitter.com)
- Bird Photo May Break Your Brain (and No, It Wasn't Photoshopped) (petapixel.com)
- Before Photoshop, Soviets Mastered Erasing People from Photographs and History (www.openculture.com)
- Adobe officially launches Photoshop on the web (www.theverge.com)
- Gimp Is No Longer a Viable Photoshop Alternative (medium.com)
- Adobe Photoshop’s new AI tool lets you manipulate photos with text (arstechnica.com)
- Open-source Photoshop alternative GIMP enters RC testing after 20 yrs (www.tomshardware.com)
- AI is about to Photoshop your memories (www.theatlantic.com)
- British monarchy rocked by a bad Photoshop job (www.theverge.com)
- Hello, you're here because you said AI image editing was just like Photoshop (www.theverge.com)
- Easily Generate Gradient Map Like Photoshop on Web (gradientmap.pro)
- Collage Diffusion: a Photoshop-like layered interface for Stable Diffusion (collagediffusion.stanford.edu)
- The one thing stopping me from switching to ChromeOS full-time is Photoshop (www.androidpolice.com)