Hackernews posts about PowerPoint
PowerPoint is a popular presentation software developed by Microsoft that allows users to create and design visual aids for communication, learning, and storytelling purposes.
- The Cognitive Style of PowerPoint (2006) [pdf] (www.inf.ed.ac.uk)
- Show HN: PowerPoint Generator AI (qlina.framer.ai)
- DeckDazzle creates decks for PowerPoint Karaoke (deckdazzle.no)
- Dennis Austin, developer of PowerPoint, has died (www.washingtonpost.com)
- Dennis Austin, developer of PowerPoint, has died (www.washingtonpost.com)
- Microsoft Releases 365 Copilot for Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Teams (news.microsoft.com)
- Show HN: SlidePack – PowerPoint Templating Engine (slidepack.io)
- Power Corrupts. PowerPoint Corrupts Absolutely.[pdf] (www.alp.mcgill.ca)
- Show HN: Presentation Tool for Haters of PowerPoint (meetslides.com)
- Elegant Palantir Access Control PowerPoint (2008) (documents.pub)
- Never write Power point presentation again (ppt.flowdove.com)
- The Cognitive Style of PowerPoint [pdf] (www.inf.ed.ac.uk)
- PowerPoint Karaoke (amanvir.com)
- PowerPoint Karaoke (amanvir.com)
- PowerPoint Programming (2019) [video] (www.youtube.com)
- Millennial brought in $2M on Upwork making PowerPoints (www.cnbc.com)
- Text to PowerPoint Presentations (d2lang.com)
- The unexpected story of PowerPoint, Microsoft's first major acquisition (en.wikipedia.org)
- Pre-PowerPoint US Defense Slides (archive.org)
- No to PowerPoint (www.captitles.com)
- The Power of (PowerPoint) Defaults (www.slidebook.io)
- Absolute PowerPoint (2001) (www.newyorker.com)
- The Turing completeness of PowerPoint [pdf] (tomwildenhain.com)
- Change of PowerPoint defaults changed pitch decks forever (www.slidebook.io)
- Before PowerPoint, DuPont Had a Chart Room. Made in 1919 (twitter.com)
- The Great PowerPoint Panic of 2003 (www.theatlantic.com)