Hackernews posts about pyenv
Pyenv is a lightweight tool that allows you to easily install and manage multiple versions of Python on your system, enabling you to switch between different versions as needed.
- Why not tell people to “simply” use pyenv, poetry or anaconda (bitecode.substack.com)
- Why not tell people to “simply” use pyenv, poetry or anaconda (www.bitecode.dev)
- Testing multiple Python versions with nox and pyenv (sethmlarson.dev)
- Why not tell people to “simply” use pyenv, poetry or anaconda (www.bitecode.dev)
- My Goldilocks Python Setup: pyenv, pipx, and pip-tools (davidamos.dev)
- Pyenv-Action v17 Released (github.com)
- Using venv, pyvenv, autoenv on macOS (erdaltoprak.com)
- Handwriting Repair [pdf] (penvibe.com)
- Invoke (A Python-based make/rake tool) (www.pyinvoke.org)
- Is Aschenbrenner's 165 page paper on AI the naivety of a 25 year old? (fikisipi.substack.com)
- Doing cheap PyTorch inference with Modal.com (fikisipi.substack.com)
- Short post: A look at Devin, the AI-powered software engineer (fikisipi.substack.com)
- The puzzling poll that made many Twitter users angry (fikisipi.substack.com)
- My 2023 prediction mistakes and the new Metaculus scoring function (fikisipi.substack.com)
- Time.mk: disrupting the Macedonian online media using clustering algorithms (fikisipi.substack.com)
- Why do I have a blog (and has it ever paid off?) (fikisipi.substack.com)
- Busy Beaver, the current BB(5) conjecture and bbchallenge.org (fikisipi.substack.com)