Hackernews posts about Radicle
- Apple says it will add 20k jobs, spend $500B, produce AI servers in US (www.bloomberg.com)
- AI tools are spotting errors in research papers (www.nature.com)
- Canon EF and RF Lenses – All Autofocus Motors (exclusivearchitecture.com)
- Anime fans stumbled upon a mathematical proof (www.scientificamerican.com)
- The early days of Linux (2023) (lwn.net)
- NCSC, GCHQ, UK Gov't expunge advice to “use Apple encryption” (alecmuffett.com)
- The US island that speaks Elizabethan English (www.bbc.com)
- There Was a Texas Lottery Arbitrage (www.bloomberg.com)
- The 2005 Sony Bravia ad (www.sfgate.com)
- Man's brain turned to glass by hot Vesuvius ash cloud (www.bbc.com)
- Fewer students are enrolling in doctoral degrees (www.nature.com)
- Italy moves to reverse anti-nuclear stance (www.world-nuclear-news.org)
- New horizons for Julia (lwn.net)
- AI-Generated Voice Evidence Poses Dangers in Court (www.lawfaremedia.org)
- Texas banned abortion, then sepsis rates soared (www.propublica.org)
- Bring Back Shortwave (www.spectator.co.uk)
- Learning fast and accurate absolute pitch judgment in adulthood (link.springer.com)
- Volkswagen seeks to counter rivals with budget EV model (www.ttnews.com)