Hackernews posts about Raylib
Raylib is a simple and easy-to-use game development library that provides a comprehensive set of tools for building games, allowing developers to focus on gameplay programming rather than low-level details.
- Raylib 5.5 – a library to program graphic apps in C (github.com)
- Raylib v5.5 (github.com)
- Functional Geometry with Gambit Scheme and Raylib (github.com)
- Dijkstra on real map data with raylib (github.com)
- Raylib v5.0 (github.com)
- Converting C437 to XNA Spritesheets with Zig and Raylib (blog.jamiejquinn.com)
- Interview with Ray of raylib: easy-to-use library for videogames (console.substack.com)
- raylib – A simple library to enjoy videogames programming (www.raylib.com)
- Adding Raylib to Forth (medium.com)
- Raylib Project Creator (github.com)
- Building a GUI platform – Action-State using Zig and raylib (lukewilliamboswell.github.io)
- Raylib timeline, 10 years of fun (www.raylib.com)
- Ada Bindings for Raylib (blog.adacore.com)
- Raylib 4.5 Released (github.com)
- Snake in BQN/Raylib [video] (www.youtube.com)
- A simple .bvh animation viewer in C using raylib (github.com)
- Raylib bindings to Scryer Prolog using library(FFI) (github.com)
- Read the first issue of raylib weekly (raylibweekly.com)
- Tweet of Raysan5 (Author of Raylib) (twitter.com)
- Show HN: Raylib demo running in exaequOS (exaequos.com)
- Raylib Newsletter #2 (raylibweekly.com)
- Show HN: Yaksha Programming Language (yakshalang.github.io)
- Show HN: Galaxy Visualization (github.com)