Hackernews posts about Square
Square is a financial services and payment technology company that provides digital payment solutions, point-of-sale systems, and financial services to individuals and businesses.
- Simulating Time in Square-Root Space (eccc.weizmann.ac.il)
- Blunder Free Chess – visualize which squares are attacked (taonexus.com)
- Show HN: Tetris Variant in a Rotating / Flipping Square (ihopethisisfun.franzai.com)
- The False Promise of Digital Public Squares Was Always a Scam (www.joanwestenberg.com)
- What's root mean square voltage? (lcamtuf.substack.com)
- Square Enix celebrating Chrono Trigger anniversary with new projects (www.eurogamer.net)
- Simulating Time with Square-Root Space [pdf] (people.csail.mit.edu)
- The R-squared on this is kinda low, no? (statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu)
- First Open Source RISC-V-based secure element chip available: Tropic Square (tropicsquare.com)
- How much is in a square? Calculating functional programs with squares (www.cambridge.org)
- Least squares fitting with functional programming (alexandrehtrb.github.io)
- Simulating Time with Square-Root Space [pdf] (people.csail.mit.edu)
- A New Pitch to Fix Penn Station: Move Madison Square Garden (www.nytimes.com)
- Relay-Based Floating Point Square Root Calculator (2014) (www.youtube.com)
- Fair and Square – Optimal Risk Sharing in the Trenches (www.futilitycloset.com)
- Open Sourcing Subzero: Square's Bitcoin Cold Storage Solution (2018) (developer.squareup.com)
- Simulating Time with Square-Root Space [pdf] (people.csail.mit.edu)
- Resistance: How to Make the Most of It – The Resistance Zero System (markforster.squarespace.com)
- The Science of Cravings: Why the First Bite Always Wins (joaofavoretti.blogspot.com)
- Wonderland Engine – 3D engine hyper-optimized for web (wonderlandengine.com)