Hackernews posts about Sudoku
Sudoku is a popular puzzle game where players fill in numbers on a grid following certain rules to create a unique solution.
Lee Hsien Loong
- A WebAssembly Powered Augmented Reality Sudoku Solver (2020) (blog.scottlogic.com)
- Generating sudokus for fun and no profit (tn1ck.com)
- Solving Sudoku in Python Packaging (github.com)
- Arthur Whitney's one liner sudoku solver (2011) (dfns.dyalog.com)
- C++ Sudoku Solver by Singapore PM Lee Hsien Loong (twitter.com)
- Show HN: Visual Sudoku solver in the browser (sudoku.dotslashdan.com)
- Solving Sudoku with the Python package resolver (github.com)
- Show HN: I Made a Sudoku Game (sudoku-aj.netlify.app)
- Will a prompt that enables GPT-4 to solve easy Sudoku puzzles be found? (manifold.markets)
- Show HN: I made a Sudoku game you can play using Vim (vimsudoku.com)
- A Sudoku Secret to Blow Your Mind [video] (www.youtube.com)
- Show HN: I made a multiplayer sudoku game using React (open source) (developers.rune.ai)
- Domicles: Sudoku with Dominoes (emiruz.com)
- Phistomefel's Ring – an interesting property of Sudoku [video] (www.youtube.com)
- The Math Behind Sudoku (pi.math.cornell.edu)
- TypeScript Sudoku (github.com)
- The Miracle Sudoku (www.youtube.com)
- Show HN: A Sudoku solver in TypeScript's type system (tsplay.dev)
- Solve sudokus not in Python, but in Python packages (github.com)
- 3D Sudoku (hisudoku.com)
- Possibly the fastest online Sudoku solver (emerentius.github.io)
- GPT-4 Sudoku Chat Script (github.com)
- A Sudoku Solver in APL [video] (www.youtube.com)
- Solving a Sudoku with SBY and Formal Verification (blog.yosyshq.com)
- Show HN: Games in 24 Hours with GPT4: Pong, Mario, Hangman, Sudoku, & PuyoPuyo (kuczmama.github.io)